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Necklace, collier

Our exquisite selection of antique and modern colliers and necklaces with diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, rubies and other precious stones can be found in this category. The category of necklaces and colliers reveals the basic elements of women's elegance. These accessories are not only decorative elements, but also expressions of our style. In our online store, you can find a wide selection of these elegant and showy gold and silver pieces with precious stones, which can be a perfect choice for any occasion. Whether it is an elegant evening or a casual, but important one, or even a romantic date, necklaces and colliers can easily enhance our appearance. You can choose from different materials such as silver, gold, pearl or emerald, diamond, ruby and sapphire and shine in unique pieces that are guaranteed to attract all eyes. Have the courage to express your unique style and unique taste with these beautiful necklaces and colliers!

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Article number: 23511005493

Ezüst nyaklánc korall gyöngyökkel

925-ös finomságú ezüst láncszemek között 1-1 kisebb korallgyöngy, lánc hossza: 71 cm. Bruttó tömege: 26,6 gramm. Ezüst ugrókarika zárral. Jelzés nélkül, XX. század eleje, első fele. 
EUR 95 EUR 76
In stock
Article number: 23521002746

George Jenssen necklace with pendant

With a pendant shaped like an 8, twisted on a 925 fineness silver chain. 4.58 grams; pancer type chain. Length: 45 cm; 4.58 grams. Marked: George Jenssen, 925 fineness mark.
EUR 116 EUR 93
In stock
Article number: 23521005879

14 karátos sárgaarany nyaklánc 1.84 gramm

14 karátos sárgaarany nyaklánc. Hossza: 52 cm. Nettó: 1.84 gramm. Jelzett: utólagos, 2016-tól használt belföldi, 585%. ezrelékes magyar fémjellel.
EUR 145 EUR 116
In stock
Article number: 23521005296

Golden necklace

14 K gold, 4.8 grams; length: 42 cm. With dolphin lock, Marked: Pest hallmark from between 1999-2006.
EUR 289 EUR 232
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Article number: 23521005974

Zabszemes-anker fazon rozé-rózsaarany vékony nyaklánc

Zabszemes-anker fazonú rozé/rózsaarany nyaklánc, Nettó tömege: 3,64 gramm, hossza: 49,5 cm. Ugrókarika zárral. Jelzett:1937-66 között használt pesti fémjellel.  
EUR 342 EUR 274
In stock
Article number: 23941005733

Charivari Bavarian hunting jewelry on a chain

Lower quality than 700 fineness, but in hand-crafted silver settings with a commemorative medal hanging on a chain decorated with various hunting trophies, an amethyst crystal, and a hanging assembly decorated at both ends with the crowned coat of arms of the province of Bavaria. Length: 30 cm. Its gross weight is 91.24 grams.

EUR 421 EUR 337
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Article number: 23511005447

Neglizsé fazonú ötvösékszer nyakék gránát-almandinokkal és gyöngyökkel

Ötvösékszer nyakék neglizsé fazonban: 18 darab aranyozott, áttört ezüst tagból álló lánc, egy nagyobb és 2 kisebb rozettával. Tagonként 2-2 kerek illetve szögletesre csiszolt gránát-almgandin kővel és 1-1 gyöngy,- illetve gyöngyház ékítéssel. Rozettákban szintén vegyesen kerek,- ovál,- és négyszögletesre csiszolt almandin kövek, valamint apró gyöngy,- gyöngyház ékítéssel. 750-es finomságú ezüst, bruttó tömege:48,96 gramm. Lánc kerülete: 44 cm, nyakék teljes hossza: 34 cm. Szépen megőrzött állapotban, Nyelves zárral. Jelzett: Pest, 1867-1936 között használt fémjellel. 
EUR 632 EUR 505
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Article number: 23521001432

Golden necklace with a biedermeier portrait of a woman

9 K gold necklace with the painted porcelain portrait medalion of a biedermeier woman, in its frame there are small true pearls  and one bigger salt water pearl: d:5 mm. 11,23 grams, length: 39,5 cm. Signed: posterior Hungarian hallmark used from 2016. Clasp with an open-box clasp. 
EUR 697 EUR 558
In stock
Article number: 23521005693

Unique hand-stitched white gold necklace ​

14 K white gold, unique, hand-stitched, anchor-style necklace, oval shape with small and large eyes. Weight: 10.6 grams, length: 57 cm. Marked: with a Hungarian hallmark used since 2016.
EUR 763 EUR 611
Article number: 23521005546

Blue agate cameo with a horse's head hanging on a gold chain

On a 14 K gold chain (2.2 grams; length: 55 cm.) with a blue agate cameo pendant depicting a horse's head in a closed, gold-plated setting, (22 x 15 mm; 4 grams.) Marked: with fineness mark 585' and with a Hungarian hallmark (2006 -16).
EUR 947 EUR 663
In stock
Article number: 23521000339

Necklace with a heart-shaped pendant with diamond

14 K white gold necklace with heart-shaped achtkant-cut diamond inlaid pendant. Domestic hallmark from after 2006, 3.85 gr, diamonds (26 pieces) approx. 0,25 ct.
EUR 842 EUR 674
In stock
Article number: 23521001478

Gold string of pearls with the miniature of a man

Miniature portrait image of a man, painted in an oval-shaped, 18 K gold framed bone sheet. It may once have been a box clasp adorning a 4-row string of pearls. The back is covered with white mother of pearls. Gross weight: 22.60 grams; 4.2 x 5 cm. Signed: with a French master's mark, (second half of the 19th century). and with the later Hungarian hallmark from between 2006-16.

EUR 1,026 EUR 821
In stock