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Antique silver

The history of silver is intertwined with that of gold:

Silver was already known in ancient times, and its shine made it popular, so besides gold, silver was just as popular a material for jewelry. Because of its softness, it was very easy to stretch, thin, and work, but it was easy to wear out as well. Therefore, it was usually alloyed with copper to make it more resistant. In ancient times, not only coins, but even mirrors were made from it. When only the elemental form was known for its production, the value of silver was considered equivalent to gold. The two noble precious metals were also alloyed with each other, and electrum was born from this. Today, however, the difference between their values is well understood and clear. The reason for this is that compared to gold, silver is more common in nature and can also be extracted from various chemical compounds, so its value gradually began to decrease over time. In ancient times, silver came from India, Persia, and Spain. In the Middle Ages, silver mines were opened in large numbers in Saxony and Tyrol. With the discovery of the new continent, America, silver also came to Europe from there.

We offer a wide selection of antique and modern silver artifacts, which you can view in person in our store, or buy them conveniently and safely from our online store, even in a few minutes!

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Article number: 23511005047

Moscow Biedermeier silver cup with ears

Silver, 330 grams, gilded inside. Smooth-lined chalice in a rococo-decorated setting on a square base. It is decorated with acanthus leaves on the side. spiral handle. Portraits of rulers in crowned inwrought medallions pierced on the setting: Russian Tsar Alexei Fohodorovna of Hohenzollern (1798-1960). Férez Tsar Nicholas I. Nikolai Pavlovich Romanov (1796-1855) in the middle there is a double portrait: II. Tsar Alexander - Alexandr Nikolaevich Romanov (1818-1881) and his wife Marija Alexandrovna of Russia (1824-1880). Female figures were deliberately sawed off the setting in the last century. Marked on the base, the setting, and the chalice: Moscow 1845; Kovalsky Andrei Antonovich is a probationary master and NG. unknown master's mark.M: 15 cm.

EUR 2,605 EUR 2,084
In stock
Article number: 23511003633

Bunch of flowers in a crystal vase

Flowers carved out of coral and leaves carved out of nephrite on gold-plated silver branches. in a vase of punched and polished rhinestone vase. Net weight: 46,49 gr, sum gross weight: 246,07 gr; 14 x 9 cm. Signed: 88 Zolotnyik Russian hallmark.

EUR 2,763 EUR 2,211
In stock
Article number: 23511004414

Silver fruit serving centerpiece

800 fine silver, 2033 grams; 16.5 x 49 x 22 cm. End of the 19th, first half of the 20th century. A hand-hammered, hollow, grooved body standing on four acanthus leaf-shaped legs, each with plastically molded putto-shaped ears. Place of origin: presumably Italy. Marked: with unsolved hallmark, 800 fineness mark.
EUR 3,921 EUR 3,137
In stock
Article number: 23511004523

Pair of Spanish silver 5-branch candelabra

915 Spanish silver, 3136 grams; 39 x 31 x 31 cm. Hallmarked: with a Spanish hallmark of fineness 915 in use since 1934, and with a posterior struck Hungarian hallmark of fineness 900.
EUR 4,605 EUR 3,684
In stock
Article number: 23511004527

Dublin Victorian silver jug with handle

Victorian silver wine jug / ornamental jug with richly decorated grape bunches and grape leaves and floral decoration on the baluster mantle and base. Hinged lid with a cast grape cluster button, bone rings on the ear. 35.5 x 19 x 14.5 cm. Gross: 1280 grams. Marked: 1854 Irish (Dublin) sterling silver hallmark, RS (Robert W. Smith) mastermark. English inscription engraved on the mantle: "Royal Horticultural Society of Ireland Special Prizes for Gladioli, Roses and Tulips to James Fitzgerald Lombard J.P. Esq. South Hill Co Dublin September 1871". (A special prize from the UK's leading horticultural organization, awarded in September 1871 in the gladiolus, rose and tulip category).
EUR 4,605 EUR 3,684
In stock
Article number: 23511005437

Pesti Art Nouveau ezüst teaszervírozó szett

Art Nouveau fazonú, 800-as finomságú, trébelt ezüst teáskanna harangvirág formájú fogantyúval (20 x 28 cm) kétfüles ezüst cukortartó fedelével harangvirág formájú fogantyúval (13 x 18,5 cm), valamint karéjos szélű, trébelt ezüst tálca (25,5 x 33 cm) Bruttó tömege mindösszesen: 1968 gramm. Jelzett: Pest, 1867-1936 között használt pesti fémjellel. 
EUR 5,000 EUR 4,000
In stock
Article number: 23511003981

Joseph Carl Klinkosch silver tea & coffee set

Joseph Carl Klinkosch six-piece Austrian silver tea/coffee set. Marked: Viennese 800 fineness silver hallmark, Joseph Carl Klinkosch maker's mark. The set consists of a tea and coffee pourer, a cream and sugar container, and a tea strainer with a bone handle. Total weight: 2853 grams.

Josef Carl Klinkosch (1822-1888) was a highly skilled Viennese silversmith who completed many commissions for the Austrian royal family and is considered as one of the best Austrian silversmiths of the late 19th century.

EUR 5,132 EUR 4,105
In stock
Article number: 23511005045

French empire silver wine jug

Trembled with traces of antique silver gilding. Gross: 829 grams. Round base on a square pedestal with a short stem and a pear-shaped vessel with a hinged lid on it. A finely crafted, punctured and hand-engraved Rococo scene on his mantle: the figure of Cupid, flying above a wheat field and clouds, stretching his bow and a putto holding victory laurel wreaths. Lion's head, embossed and punched at the front, rows of palmettes rolled at the edges. Sculptural acanthus leaves on the neck and plant ornaments punctured and engraved in frieze. With black-painted wooden pliers ending in Bacchus head and grapevine on the side. Marked on the neck and pedestal: Paris, 1793-1798, Nicolas Modoux (?) Master's mark, and, after 1838, a French resealing and Paris warranty mark.


EUR 6,316 EUR 5,053
In stock
Article number: 23511001980

French antique silver wash basin and water jug

Antique silver wash basin and water jug. Richly decorated, guilloche and carved patterns, sculpturally embossed with winged puttos on the mantle of the jug, and with a handle, decorated with acanthus leaves, depicting a putto. Signed: French export hallmark from between 1840-1973, Émile Hugo (1853-1880) maker's mark. Altogether net: 2797 gr. 

Jug: 1341 gr, height: 39 cm.

Basin: 1456 gr, diameter: 41 cm.

EUR 7,632 EUR 6,105
In stock
Article number: 23511001295

Baroque-style silver decorative goblet

Baroque-style, chipped base, chalice and lid; stem with node. Gold-plated silver, 912 grams; 44 x d: 13.5 cm. Marked: unresolved on the base and lid XIXth century hallmark
EUR 12,895 EUR 10,316
In stock
Article number: 13511000383

Pair of neo-baroque five-pronged silver candelabra

Rectangularly shaped putto figure on a sculpturally-shaped pedestal with neo-baroque features, a 5-pronged candelabra with screw-on wax drip trays. 800 fineness silver, net weight: 9000 grams. 54 x d: 37 cm. Signed: Pest hallmark used between 1867-1936.

EUR 17,105 EUR 13,684
In stock
Article number: 23511003288

Viennese silver tower clock with painted enamel decoratiive pictures

Silver tower clock. Square-shaped. There are sculpturally shaped, enameled silver figures on its base standing on columns and the base stands on feet with lions.  On its 4 sides, there are enamel-painted panels depicting different mythological scenes. Four-piece clockwork and key. 53 x 21 x 21 cm. Second half of XIXth century.  Vienna, signed as: HB (Hermann Böhm).
EUR 25,000 EUR 20,000