II. György Rákóczi silver thaler 1659 NB.Nagybánya. Weight: 29.66 grams. 43 x 44.5 mm. Vorzüglich - Vorzüglich! Törő 171.
On the obverse: · GEOR:RA: - D:G:P:T (Georgius Rakoczi Dei Gratia Princeps Transilvaniae, György Rákóczi from the grace of God the prince of Transylvania) in circular inscription, bust of the prince in armour facing right, scepter in his right hand, left hand resting on the hilt of a saber).
On the reverse side: · PAR · REG · HVN · DOM · ET · SIC · COM · 1659 (Partium Regni Hungariae Dominus Et Sicolorum Comes 1659, Lord of the Parts of Hungary and Ispan of the Szeklers 1659).