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Late Middle Ages in the Kingdom of Hungary - Interregnum period (A. D. 1301-1540)

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Article number: 23511004249

King Louis the Great silver denarius

King Louis the Great of Hungary (1342-1382) silver denarius. ÉH 429. Weight: 0.47 gr. Diameter: 15 mm.


EUR 32
In stock
Article number: 23511004461

King Charles I of Hungary silver denarius

King Charles I of Hungary (1301-1342) silver denarius. Weight: 0.71 grams. 14 x 15 mm. EH: 365. aEF. With a small crack.

OBVERSE: + MONETA REGIS KARVLI (Money of King Charles).

EUR 118
In stock
Article number: 23511004138

Silver denarius of János Hunyadi

János Hunyadi (1446-1452) silver denarius. Sibiu, h-A. Weight: 0.87 gr. Diameter: 16 mm. ÉH: 486 f. aEF!

FRONT PAGE: TEMPORE IO GVBERNATOR (Tempore Iohannis Gubernatoris, during the time of Governor János).

BACK: + MONETA REGNI VNGARIE (Money of Hungary).

EUR 224
In stock
Article number: 23511004462

Charles I King of Hungary silver denarius

Charles I King if Hungary (1301-1342) silver denarius. Weight: 0.85 gr. 14 x 15 mm. ÉH: 362. aEF. 


EUR 224
In stock
Article number: 23511004466

Wladyslaw III Hungarian king silver denarius

Hungarian King Wladyslaw III (1440-1444) silver denarius. B - n star. Buda. Weight: 1.19 grams. Diameter: 19 mm. EH: 475/g. EF. R!

OBVERSE: MONETA WLADISLAI DEI G (Moneta Wladislai Dei gratia, Wladislaw's money, by the grace of God). Polish eagle.

REVERSE: REGIS VNGARIE ET CETERA (of the King of Hungary, etc.). In the first field of a split shield, the Hungarian Árpád stripes, in the second field a double cross.

EUR 316
In stock
Article number: 23521005423

Sigismund of Luxembourg Hungarian king gold forint K-W

King Sigismund of Luxembourg (1387-1437) gold forint K-W. Körmöcbánya. Vince Bálint Szentgyörgyi national chamberlain, minting period: 1415. Weight: 3.50 gr. 21 x 21 mm. aEF! AK: 18/13. ÉH: 446/j.

OBVERSE: + SIGISMVNDI·D·G·R·VNGARIE· (Sigismundi Dei gratia regis Ungariae, Sigismund, King of Hungary by the grace of God). Quadripartite shield, 1st and 4th field: Hungarian Arpad stripes, 2nd and 3rd field: Czech lion.

REVERSE: ·S·LADISL - AVS·REX (Sanctus Ladislaus rex, King Saint Ladislaus). King Saint Ladislaus in an open cloak, holding a short-handled hatchet in his right hand, and a globus cruciger in his left hand.

EUR 3,289
In stock
Article number: 23521006119

Hunyadi Mátyás magyar király (1458-1490) aranyforint h-E

Hunyadi Mátyás magyar király (1458-1490) aranyforint. h-E. Nagyszeben. Szapolyai Imre királyi kincstartó. 1459-1464. AK: 36/27A. Tömege: 3.43 gramm. gVF! Előlapján gyöngykörben negyedelt címerpajzs Árpád-sávokkal, kettős kereszttel, Hunyadi-hollóval, cseh oroszlánnal. Hátlapján: Szent László nyitott köpennyel, kitartott jobb kezében rövid nyelű bárd, bal kezében országalma, feje körül glória.


EUR 3,539
In stock
Article number: 23521005882

Gold Forint Sigismund of Luxembourg Hungarian king K-S

King Sigismund of Luxembourg (1387-1437) gold forint K-S. Körmöcbánya. Chambermaster Johann Siebenlinder, minting period: 1431-1437. Weight: 3.56 grams. Diameter: 20 mm. EF / EF+. Impact/filing marks on the edge at three o'clock. AK: 18/21. ÉH: 446/l.

OBVERSE: + SIGISMVNDI · D · G · R · VNGARIE (Sigismundi Dei gratia regis Ungariae, Sigismund, by the grace of God, King of Hungary). Quadrilateral shield, 1st and 4th field: Hungarian cuts, 2nd and 3rd field: Czech lion.

REVERSE: · S · LADISL - AVS · REX (Sanctus Ladislaus rex, King Saint Laszlo). King Szent László in an open cloak, holding a short-handled sword in his right hand, and a country apple in his left.

EUR 3,816
In stock
Article number: 23521005378

King Louis the Great gold forint

King Louis I (the Great) of Hungary (1342-1382) gold forint. Chamberlain Lóránd, minting period: 1342-1353. Weight: 3.51 grams. 20 x 21 mm. UNC! AK: 3. EH: 405.

OBVERSE: LODOVICI REX (King Louis). Florentine lily.

REVERSE: S IOHANNES B (Sanctus Iohannes Baptista, Saint John the Baptist). Saint John the Baptist with a cross in his left hand, a halo around his head.

EUR 4,342
In stock
Article number: 23521005380

Hungarian King Sigismund of Luxembourg gold forint K-W

King Sigismund of Luxembourg (1387-1437) gold forint K-W. Körmöcbánya. Vince Bálint Szentgyörgyi national chamberlain, minting period: 1415. Weight: 3.54 grams. 21 x 21 mm. UNC! AK: 18/13. EH: 446/j.

OBVERSE: + SIGISMVNDI D G R VNGARIE (Sigismundi Dei gratia regis Ungariae, Sigismund, by the grace of God, King of Hungary). Quartered shield, 1st and 4th field: Hungarian stripes of Arpads, 2nd and 3rd field: Czech lion.

REVERSE: S LADISL - AVS REX (Sanctus Ladislaus rex, King Saint Laszlo). King Szent László in an open cloak, holding a short-handled hatchet in his right hand, and a cross-bearing orb in his left hand.

EUR 4,342
In stock
Article number: 23521005377

Hungarian King Mátyás Hunyadi (1458-1490) gold forint

Hungarian King Mátyás Hunyadi (1458-1490) gold forint. N-crest shield. Nagybánya city's own strike from between 1479-1482. ÉH: 540/f. Weight: 3.50 gr. Diameter: 21 mm. Extreme fine. On the obverse, the baby Jesus is on the right arm of the crowned Madonna, and the Hunyadi raven is at her feet. On the reverse side: Saint László holds a hatchet in his right hand, an apple in his left hand, and a halo around his head.


EUR 4,868
In stock
Article number: 23521005382

King László V of Hungary gold forint h-O

King László V of Hungary (1453-1457) gold forint h-O. Sibiu. Chamberlain Wenzel Oszvald, minting period: 1456. Weight: 3.56 grams. Diameter: 21 mm. AK: 30/7. EH: 516/f.

OBVERSE: + LADISLAVS · D · G · R · VNGARIE (Ladislaus Dei gratia rex Ungariae, László is king of Hungary by the grace of God). In a quartered coat of arms 1st field: Hungarian stripes of the Arpads, 2nd field: Czech Republic, 3rd field: Austria, 4th field: Moravia.

REVERSE: · S · LADISL - AVS · REX (Sanctus Ladislaus rex, King Saint László). Saint László's clothes have buttons, a double-rowed belt on his waist, and a sword hilt on his left.

EUR 5,658
In stock