Today, I examined this exceptionally beautiful and rare stone, our only tanzanite under a microscope, polariscope and refractometer. Its beauty and pleochroism are breathtaking (the property of some crystals to show different colors when viewed through different axes). Tanzanite is a purple-bluish version of a mineral called zoizite, exhibiting a strong pleochroism. This rare mineral was discovered recently in the 20th century and is mined exclusively in a small region of Tanzania. Its commercial mining is currently carried out exclusively in Tanzania. It is considered the rarest gem in the world, making it special and valuable. Most of the stones are heat-treated to remove their inclusions and to change their tricroism to strengthen the bluish hue. The price can rival that of a diamond in some cases. Recently, a very lucky miner indeed, found two large tanzanites, which made it to the headlines. One is 9.27 kg and the other one weighs 5.1 kg. The Tanzanian government has bought them from him for an amount of shilling equivalent to about one billion Hungarian forints.
In our shop there is one tanzanite stone, which is located in the center of a beautiful ring surrounded by brilliant-cut diamonds. It weighs nearly 12 carats, has an octagonal, faceted cut and a slightly purple blue color.
If you are interested, you can get more information about the ring by clicking on the picture, and if you want to see it live, please visit our store, we look forward to seeing you every day of the week!