
The word icon is of Greek origin and means: image, likeness.

Primarily, portable images of the saints of the Eastern churches, the Orthodox and Greek Catholic churches, the Virgin Mary and Christ were depicted. These liturgical images were seen as material imbued with divine grace. Emphasizing this, different, very valuable materials are used as a carrier surface, such as ivory, metal, enamel, mosaic, and later on, in order to make it available as widely as possible, it was also painted on furniture boards and wooden boards. In everyday life, we can mostly meet this form. These images are usually consecrated. They play an important role in the spirituality of the churches, and their goal is to raise awareness of the reverence for God and his saints, strengthening the relationship between the icon and the person praying before it, which, figuratively speaking, connects God and the believer as a kind of bridge. It may also be interesting to note that the churches do not consider these holy images to be either decorations or works of art. You can see a wide selection of icons from the second half of the 19th and first half of the 20th century in person in our store, or you can buy them conveniently and safely from our online store in just a few minutes!

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Article number: 21011000067

Icon: Annunciation

Oval-shaped icon in a gilded wooden frame: Representation of the Angel's greeting. Wooden board hand-painted with oil, dimensions: 27 x 21 cm. Russia, first half of the 19th century. Restored in places.
EUR 355 EUR 284
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Article number: 21011000523

ICON: Saint Mark

Oil painting on wooden panel depicting a holy image of Saint Mark with a gilded background. Dimensions: 24 x 23 cm. Unmarked. Russia, early 20th century.
EUR 382 EUR 305
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Article number: 21011000524

ICON: Gabriel archangel

Oil painting on wooden panel depicting a holy image, Archangel Gabriel with a gilded background. Dimensions: 24 x 23 cm. Unmarked. Russia, early 20th century.
EUR 382 EUR 305
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Article number: 21011000084

St. Pantaleon icon

St. Pantaleon icon. XXth century, Russian. 30.5 x 26 cm.
EUR 395 EUR 316
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Article number: 21011000513

Icon: Suffering Mother of God

Representation of the Suffering Mother of God with saints painted in oil on a wooden panel. Dimensions: 31 x 26.5 cm. Russia, first half of the 20th century.
EUR 395 EUR 316
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Article number: 21011000269

Representation of the Madonna painted on copper plate

Oil-painted depiction of Our Lady on a copper plate nailed to a wooden plate. 17 x 15 x 1 cm. Europe, second half of XIXth century. On its surface there are several larger layers of cracked paint-varnish.
EUR 421 EUR 337
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Article number: 21011000477

Icon: With a depiction of Saint John the Baptist

Hand-painted icon with a depiction of St. John the Baptist in oil on a wooden panel. Dimensions: 22 x 18 cm. In some places, the painting is worn. Russia, end of the 19th century.
EUR 421 EUR 337
In stock
Article number: 21011000475

Icon: with depiction of Saint Nicholas

Saint Nicholas icon painted in oil on a wooden board, with gilded details. 22 x 17.5 cm. Middle and second half of the 20th century.
EUR 434 EUR 347
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Article number: 21011000486

Icon: Feodorovskaya Mother of God

Oil on wooden panel, hand-painted icon of Feodorovskaya Mother of God with baby Jesus in her arms. Dimensions: 30 x 23 cm. Russia, end of the 19th century. It is damaged in several places, the paintwork is worn.
EUR 434 EUR 347
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Article number: 21011000081

St. Boniface icon

Russian, hand-painted St. Boniface icon. End of XIXth century. 29 x 23 cm. (The halo is damaged, fragmented.)
EUR 471 EUR 377
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Article number: 21011000243

Theotokos, Mother of God icon with a brass oklad

Theotokos icon with a brass oklad. XXth century, Russian, hand-painted on a wooden board. 29.5 x 22.5 cm.
EUR 474 EUR 379
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Article number: 21011000528

IKON: Jézus bevonulása Jeruzsálembe

Fatáblára festett, laparanyozott ikon Krisztus bevonulása Jeruzsálembe jelenettel, Keret két oldalán egy-egy szent akakjával. Cirill betűs feliratokkal. Olaj, fatábla, 31 x 25 cm. XX. századi vége, Oroszország. Jelzés nélkül.
EUR 474 EUR 379
In stock
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