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Antique silver

The history of silver is intertwined with that of gold:

Silver was already known in ancient times, and its shine made it popular, so besides gold, silver was just as popular a material for jewelry. Because of its softness, it was very easy to stretch, thin, and work, but it was easy to wear out as well. Therefore, it was usually alloyed with copper to make it more resistant. In ancient times, not only coins, but even mirrors were made from it. When only the elemental form was known for its production, the value of silver was considered equivalent to gold. The two noble precious metals were also alloyed with each other, and electrum was born from this. Today, however, the difference between their values is well understood and clear. The reason for this is that compared to gold, silver is more common in nature and can also be extracted from various chemical compounds, so its value gradually began to decrease over time. In ancient times, silver came from India, Persia, and Spain. In the Middle Ages, silver mines were opened in large numbers in Saxony and Tyrol. With the discovery of the new continent, America, silver also came to Europe from there.

We offer a wide selection of antique and modern silver artifacts, which you can view in person in our store, or buy them conveniently and safely from our online store, even in a few minutes!

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Article number: 23511002622

French antique bath oil holder with a horse head

French antique silver bath oil holder. On a round pedestal there is a punched, chiselled, rotund body with a carved leaf adornment, and a screwable neck ending in a horse head. Marked: French export hallmark from between 1840 -1879. Master sign Jean Francois Veyrat (1832-1840). Height: 39 cm. Gross weight: 631 gr.
EUR 1,303 EUR 1,042
In stock
Article number: 23511002334

Antique silver pill and toiletry box

Oval-shaped, antique silver box with a unique, doubly hinged cover at the bottom and the top, with rose gold row pattern metal inlays, and the inner surface is fire-guilt.  32 x 29 x 88 mm; 109 gr. Signed: unresolved hallmark. Probably French or German goldsmith work from the end of the XVIIIth century. 

EUR 1,368 EUR 1,095
In stock
Article number: 23511002421

Mother of pearl box

A hinged octagonal box of detailed, silver-framed, carved, white mother of pearl sheets. 3,7 x 5,2 x 13 cm. Gross weight: 168,9 gr. On its cover there is Justitia with angels. Carved Latin inscription: "Homt num peccata; Suum Cuique".  First half - middle part of 1800s. 
EUR 1,447 EUR 1,158
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Article number: 23511005436

Ezüst doboz fa betéttel

Négy pogácsa formájú lábon négyzetforma doboz fa betéttel. Préselt, trébelt rokokó mintázatú oldal falak, zsanérosan záródó dobozfedél, préselt, trébelt "kocsmai verekedést" ábrázoló jelenettel. 800-as finomságú ezüst, Bruttó tömege: 670 gramm. Méretei: 7 x 15 x 15 cm. Jelzett: 1886-tól használt német, holdkoronás fémjellel. 
EUR 1,447 EUR 1,158
In stock
Article number: 23511002516

Art deco silver toiletry box with black enamel

An octagonal log-shaped silver body, which is a hinged, multifunctional toiletry box with a lipstick holder, perfume holder and a faceted mirror. The exterior surface has gold-plated inlaid decorations on a black enamel background. 835 sterling silver, gold plated inside. Box dimensions: 9,5 x 2,5 x 4 cm. 222 gr. Black cotton tassel and a thicker braided drawstring. Marked in several places, punched: "Sterling Made in Austria" with the 835 'fineness hallmark, the Austrian metal hallmark, and later punched with the Pest metal hallmark valid and used from 2016. Vienna, 1920-30.
EUR 1,526 EUR 1,221
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Article number: 23511002398

Silver figurine - Tinsmith

Silver tinsmith figure with a colorful glass stone decoration. Marked: 1902-37 Prague import hallmark. Gross weight: 192 gr, dimensions: 10 x 10 x 7 cm.
EUR 1,553 EUR 1,242
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Article number: 23511004584

Rococo-style silver centerpiece with glass insert

800 fine silver, 605 grams; 17.5 x 17.5 x 37 cm. The boat-shaped mantle is gilded inside. Its handles are plastically shaped dolphins. With an old engraved glass insert. Marked: German hallmark used since 1886.
EUR 1,553 EUR 1,242
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Article number: 23511002098

3-piece Pest silver tea set

Set of 3 silver tea set from Pest, total gross: 1745 grams. Marked: 1867-1936, Pest, 800 silver fineness.

Teapot: black ebony handles, 23 x 30 x 17 cm, 995 grams.

Sugar holder: two handles, covered, gilded inside, 16 x 18 x 13 cm, 515 grams.

Milk pourer: height: 13.5 cm, 235 grams.

EUR 1,658 EUR 1,326
In stock
Article number: 23331005435

Talpas kerek pesti ezüst kínálótál

Kerek formájú, talpas 800-as finomságú ezüst kínálótál/gyümölcstál, trébelt bécsirózsa mintázattal. Nettó tömege: 669 gramm. Méretei:16 x d:22,5 cm. Jelzett: Pest, 1867-1936 között használt pesti fémjellel. 
EUR 1,711 EUR 1,368
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Article number: 23511005522

Angol asztali tükör (London, 1897)

Rokokó stílusú, 925-ös finomságú ezüst, préselt trébelt ezüstlemez borítással, fazettált eredeti tükörüveggel, kék bársony borítású fa hátlappal és kitámasztóval. Méretei:  52,5 x 33,5 cm. Jelzett: London, 1897 fémjellel. 
EUR 1,711 EUR 1,368
In stock
Article number: 23511003915

Münster silver chalice with paten

800 fineness gold-plated silver chalice and paten. Raised from a round base, segmented stem with a pierced node and a cup holder. Sole and stem decorated with engraved motifs. 6 oval-shaped cabochon-cut garnet-almandine studs in node. 566 grams; 19.5 x d:15.5 cm. Marked: "Münster; Joh Wachter" with a German moon-crowned hallmark used in the sole since 1888.
EUR 1,816 EUR 1,453
In stock
Article number: 23511004107

Photo holder silver elephant

84 Zolotnyik Russian silver elephant figurine, cylinder shape on an agate base. Elephant's eyes made of small rubies. Disc-shaped, 14 K gold photo frame with blue luster enameled back, decorated with 1 small half-pearl in the middle. 7.5 x d:7 cm. Marked: 84 Zolotnyik Russian silver hallmark, and 56 Zolotnyik gold fineness mark.
EUR 1,974 EUR 1,579
In stock