The history of silver is intertwined with that of gold:
Silver was already known in ancient times, and its shine made it popular, so besides gold, silver was just as popular a material for jewelry. Because of its softness, it was very easy to stretch, thin, and work, but it was easy to wear out as well. Therefore, it was usually alloyed with copper to make it more resistant. In ancient times, not only coins, but even mirrors were made from it. When only the elemental form was known for its production, the value of silver was considered equivalent to gold. The two noble precious metals were also alloyed with each other, and electrum was born from this. Today, however, the difference between their values is well understood and clear. The reason for this is that compared to gold, silver is more common in nature and can also be extracted from various chemical compounds, so its value gradually began to decrease over time. In ancient times, silver came from India, Persia, and Spain. In the Middle Ages, silver mines were opened in large numbers in Saxony and Tyrol. With the discovery of the new continent, America, silver also came to Europe from there.
We offer a wide selection of antique and modern silver artifacts, which you can view in person in our store, or buy them conveniently and safely from our online store, even in a few minutes!
Talpas, két füles, 800-as finomságú, ovális formájú ezüst gyümölcstál, 878 gramm; 14,5 x 36,5 x 21 cm. Jelzett: 1687-1937 között használt pesti fémjellel. Bachruch készítőjelzésével.
Inside and out it is fire-gilded, 13 lats of antique silver. With a pair of divided hinged lids attached to the vessel in the middle. 25 x 50 x 60 mm; 72 grams. Signed: Vienna, 1747 hallmark.
Trembled silver, 518 grams; Round-bottomed amphora-shaped vessel with curved wooden handles on the side. Acanthus leaves embossed, punched and engraved on the hinged lid. Pearl ornament on the edges, punched and engraved leaf decoration running around the shoulder in frieze. Marked on the bottom and neck: Vienna, 1804. Casper Haas. Neuwirth: P.2528. M: 24 cm.
A pair of three-pronged silver candle holders, on a round base with three lobed trays, with engraved and chiseled decoration on the entire surface. Net: 1035 grams. Height: 17 cm. Diameter: 12.5 cm. Net: 1035 grams. Marked: Vienna used between 1867-1922, 800 fine "Diana-head" silver hallmark, BACHRUCH medallion. (Károly Bachruch was an excellent Pest goldsmith and industrial artist honored by the Emperor József Ferenc, and won many prizes at foreign exhibitions with his works).
Standing on an oval pedestal with a laurel branch, a stylized lute / harp, presumably a musical memorabilia engraved with the number 25. Marked: 1872-1922 Viennese, 800-fine silver metal mark. Net: 1634 grams. 40 x 26.5 cm.
Kerek forma, fodros szélű tálka, középen egy nagyobb és körülötte 6 kisebb fodros szélű, kivehető - tetszés szerint cserélgethető- virágtartó tölcsér, belül aranyozott. 900-as finomságú ezüst, Nettó tömege: 835 gramm. Méretei: 33 x d:23 cm. Jelzett. DA 900-as finomságjelzéssel és Később beütött 2016-tól használt magyar fémjellel.
Silver, 489 grams, balustered stem on a round base decorated with lanceolate leaves, with the hermit of Young Bacchus on it. With a candle cup in the shape of a flower on his head. Marked on the rim: Rome, 1920. M: 29 cm.
Silver pheasant figure richly decorated with punctured, chiselled plumage and garnet eyes. On a black-painted oval wooden pedestal. Size including sole: 36.5 x 45 x 17.5 cm. Gross: 1649 grams. Marked: 800 fineness mark, CR masters mark. From around 1900, presumably German piece of art.
Gold-plated silver cylindrical box, white opaque enamel decoration in concentric circles on the outer surface, fire-gilded inner surface. Built-in pocket watch mechanism in the lid. Roman numerals, minute scale, painted silver clock face. 4 x d: 9.5 cm; Gross weight: 499 grams. Marked: French hallmark used since 1888. France, 1910-30.
950 silver fineness, a sculpturally-shaped mythological woman in the middle of a pedestal decorated with rocaille (high-faluting, rococo-style shell decorations), next to it there is 1-1 urn-shaped ink container with feet. Pressed, punched technique. Net weight: 1167 gr. 33 x 22 x 34 cm. Signed: French hallmark used from 1888.